Danny Kittinger True Riches

True Riches

Danny KittingerPerspective, Wealth

Things are not always as they appear. We must look deeper beyond the surface of things to see things as they really are. Appearances can be deceptive and fleeting. I desire to provide well for my family and leave an inheritance for my children someday. In this pursuit, it is easy to get trapped in the insatiable desire for more. …

Danny Kittiner Blog

Thin places

Danny KittingerPeace

I wasn’t in the room when Dad passed. He had been sick for quite a number of years diagnosed with both Parkinson’s disease and dementia. During the proceeding months, Dad had grown weaker and was unable to eat. At the very end of his journey, my amazing Mom was finally unable to care for him on her own. His last …

Danny Kittinger Choosing Differently

Seeing Differently

Danny KittingerPerspective

I want to see differently. Have you ever noticed that some people can just see things that others miss? Billy Crockett wrote about his friend Rich Mullins, both amazing musicians and favorites of mine, “What I loved best about Rich were his eyes. He could see things. Any decent painter would say it isn’t about brush and texture, it’s about …

What Matters Most

Danny KittingerWhat Matters Most

What a gift life is. Possibilities and opportunities abound. We can fill our hearts and minds with an endless array of information and activity. Life is an adventure and along the journey there are seasons of joy and blessing. Equally there are seasons of difficulty and despair. There is planting and growth, and there is pruning and death. The adventure …