
Danny KittingerBelief, Faith, Honesty

  One problem in Christian community, though certainly there are many others, is the tendency to use “god-talk” in our conversation.  God-talk is language that ends honest dialogue.  It typically includes the use of scripture in a way that is unchallengeable.  It ignores the reality that there are scriptures that are difficult to swallow and much that is hard to …

Heroes I can relate to

Danny KittingerFaith, Perspective

We all need someone we can relate to.  Our tendency is to craft heroes and idolize those of higher achievement than our own.  We aspire to be like these men and women, believing that one day, with enough effort and moxie, we might become like them.  This aspiration is true in all areas of life, including the world of faith. …

The God who serves (thoughts from the Emmaus Road)

Danny KittingerFaith, Perspective

In the Bible are many great stories of inspiration. One of my favorites is found at the end of the Gospel of Luke.  In the previous two chapters, Jesus had been brutally tortured and murdered after being betrayed by one of his closest friends. The remaining disciples had fled and were now in hiding, wondering if they were next. Some …

The Divine Spark

Danny KittingerFaith, Perspective, Prayer

One of the greatest art masterpieces in the world is the frescoed ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  Michelangelo painted each magnificent panel with a story from the book of Genesis with a focus on creation.  In the center is the pinnacle of the painting and the crescendo of creation itself; God creating man. This familiar scene is known to many; …

A Simple Life

Danny KittingerChoice, Faith, Peace, Perspective

I’m uncertain of what lies ahead, and recent years have been a bit bumpy.  Joy seems to flee a bit more readily. The person I am today doesn’t feel like the version found in my recent past.  My daughter believes the change began during the building of our new home. My inclination is that it started earlier than that.   The …

The Lord is my Shepherd

Danny KittingerBelief, Direction, Faith

The circumstances of life can seem random.  Sometimes it appears we get exactly what we deserve with the laws of sowing and reaping functioning as advertised.  Other times blessings and curses seem to flow indiscriminately. Though beyond my pay grade to understand such things, I believe in a loving Father watching over our lives.  As the psalmist declared long ago, …


Danny KittingerFaith

  The wind blows where it will.  It comes and goes like the tides, yet without precision.  No one knows when and where winds will blow.  No one knows where they start or how far they go. Winds can be refreshing, providing relief on a blistering hot day.  Sometimes a fresh breeze is all that is needed to change the …

Caught by Surprise

Danny KittingerDirection, Faith, Perspective

This has been one of the most difficult times in my life and it caught me by surprise.  By all accounts, this should be an exciting and happy time as Carrie and I just built a beautiful custom home, one on which we have been working over the past two years.  It has been a long but enjoyable journey, and …

Today Matters

Danny KittingerBelief, Faith, Perspective, What Matters Most

As you know by now, Billy Graham passed recently.  Though Billy lived a long life of ninety-nine years, his passing reminded me once again of life’s brevity.  Billy never claimed to place much hope in this life, in its circumstances or successes.  Rather, he lived his days in light of eternity.   In speaking of eternity, Billy said, “someday you …

Immanuel, God with us

Danny KittingerBelief, Faith

There have been days of darkness and difficulty throughout history.  The days preceding the coming of the Messiah were such days.  The Roman Empire dominated the world, and similar to the time of Samuel, “in those days, the word of the Lord was rare.” (1 Samuel 3:1).  Yet into this darkness and difficulty, Jesus came.   He didn’t come unannounced. …