Happy Birthday Kellie

Danny KittingerFamily

You possess both radiant beauty and the strength of steel.  You are clothed in integrity and your character is evident to all.  You offer yourself in friendship and are compassionate and welcoming to others.  You are intuitive, discerning and wise beyond your years. You are gifted in so many ways; straight forward yet mysterious, professional yet artistic, reserved yet passionate all at the same time.   

Since you were little girl you have loved big; you have loved your family, your friends and your God. You were the most precious little girl I have ever seen with those beautiful eyes and head full of hair, traits that still showcase your beauty. I am astounded that you have already lived twenty-two years.  It has happened all too quickly.

I love your thirst for adventure and your willingness to explore the world; Costa Rica to Romania, Myanmar to Miami, Paris to Peru, and all our travels to the National Parks.  Your appetite has not been quenched and continues to grow. You also demonstrate a fearlessness seen in few. You have encountered disappointments, difficulties and obstacles along the way yet remain hopeful and undeterred.  You are truly an overcomer.

When I pass from this world, I will rest in confidence that my legacy remains in you.  I hear my voice in your voice. I see myself in your eyes. Whatever good traits I have, I see them in you.  I apologize for the bad ones you must overcome. Yet this is how legacies work.

I couldn’t love you any more or be any prouder of you.  

Happy Birthday with all my love!
